Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I swear she's smiling already!

Even though she's only five days old, I really think Willa is smiling! It is super cute, of course!

"MOM! You're CHOKING ME!!!"Much better.She had her first sponge bath at home and hated it.
At the hospital after she was born she LOVED having her hair washed. Not so much this time!
Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby? Nope.
And yes, for those of you who have told me that second kids NEVER get as many pictures taken as the first one, I'm trying hard to prove you wrong. Poor Violet didn't even get a walk-on part to this blog post! Poor kid!


  1. Adorable--she does look like she is smiling! My goodness, you look way too good for just having a baby! Hope you are enjoying your babymoon.

    Dawn :0)

  2. I want to come steal her! She is such a cutie :D
