Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Okay, so technically it's just a tiny little "fall storm". Yeah, with 12+ inches of snow! Violet & I went out and played in it earlier today.

A video of her getting stuck in the snow:

And how else do you end a romp in the snow? Hot chocolate of course!
We also carved pumpkins last night
Willa helped!
Sneak peek at Violet's Halloween costume - she got to dress up for her friend Hannahs birthday party.

Willa playing on the floor...

Aaaaaaand I discovered how Willa was mysteriously moving across the room... notice how happy Willa is, which is why it has been so funny because Willa wouldn't make a PEEP but would suddenly be in a totally different place!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

We found a super fun pumpkin patch with a great view of the mountains. Violet had a great time picking out her pumpkin and showing Willa the ropes.

Acres and acres of pumpkins... there were THOUSANDS of them!

This weekend Jon had to work so Violet, Willa and I went to a nearby open space park and went for a walk. While we were walking to the lake, a runner ran by and Violet ran after him:Showing off her "wand" that she found:And later used to sweep (and sweep and sweep) the pathway.

Willa has been spending a lot of time in the Ergo carrier (thanks Beth!!) - it fits a lot like a back pack but is nice and soft. Willa usually falls fast asleep but today she was very interested to look around and see the sights.Violet is really into taking pretend naps with Willa. She insists that she has her own pillow and pulls the covers up over her. Aww.
Hangin' out on the couch
Either she looks like Thing from the Addams Family, or a wee little Captain Violet Sparrow. Brett got this wig when he was here visiting and left it in my car. We had to try it out before we sent it to him in Montana!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Silly Girls

Willa is 4 months old! She has very much discovered her hands and GRABBING things, including my hair, our faces, food, drinks, etc. I forgot about that! She is also rolling around a lot and getting "stuck" on her back in her crib and I have to constantly go back and flip her back to her tummy. Silly!
Such a sweet little girl!

She spends a lot of her waking hours with all four fingers in her mouth like so:
And dear, sweet, silly Violet. She had a pretty bad cold this week and her poor little nose got all red from constantly wiping it. She insisted on a band-aid (or "band-bayed") for it. She soon discovered that it made BREATHING a little tricky so it didn't last long.She is also a funny eater. She love love LOVES watermelon, but heaven forbid I include any bit of light pink/white rind on her pieces. If I do, they end up in a neat little line outside her bowl.
And a cute video of Violet dancing with Willa while singing the ABC's. Excuse the pacifier!

Jon and his brothers and friends have been getting a lot of of use out of the skateboard ramp, especially now that the weather isn't so hot. Tonight we had a belated birthday "ramp jam" for Jon for his birthday last weekend. This is what it looks like when the hot dogs are served! :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lots o' Videos

Today was Video Day in our house - and it was a good thing! I captured Willa laughing out loud (the little stinker can also now roll from front to back AND back to front!), Violet playing "babydolls" with her real live baby sister, and Violet singing a song I like to call "Ode to the Swine Flu" - Enjoy!

Willa laughing

Violet playing with her "Baby Alive" - she gives her a shot (in her mouth!) then feeds her bananas and milk. Sweet! Apparently they are now self sufficient and I can leave them home alone together... who's up for a margarita-filled lunch tomorrow?

And Violet singing her H1N1 Song... the lyrics are "I no siiiiick, I no siiiiick. I am siiiiick. Something-something doctor."

And here are some cute new pics of Willa. She's going to be FOUR MONTHS OLD this weekend! On the same day Jon turns 32. Fun!
When I put Violet down for her nap, the three of us snuggle up in bed to read some books. Violet INSISTS on holding Willa's hand. So cute! However now that Willa knows her hands are attached to her body, she doesn't WANT to hold hands - she wants to grab at Violet. NOW it should start getting interesting!
And a funny thing Violet did today. She has this little play cell phone that you can record something on and she can play it back. She wanted me to put a new message on it so I asked her "What do I always say to you?" thinking she'd answer something like "I love you, Violet!" but no, it was "Do you have to go potty?" ;) SOOO that's what I recorded on her phone. For the next half hour she would push the play button, hear me say "Hey Violet! Do you have to go potty?" and she would shout back "NO!!!!"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

O' Brother, Where Art Thou?

Sadly, the answer is "Back in Montana already" but we had a BLAST while he was here! My brother Brett and his girlfriend Kelly came and stayed with us last week - they are so fun to hang out with and very easy houseguests to have around. It helps that they spend a lot of time with Kelly's niece and nephews back in Montana - kids screaming at 7 am doesn't phase them a bit!

Here we are at the zoo:
Luckily Jon has gotten Willa used to "Beard Kisses" so Willa thinks they are quite nice. Aw.
We went to the Bass Pro Shops one morning - here is Violet and Brett looking at the HUGE catfish in the aquarium.Everyone hanging out on the couch.

Willa and Violet both smiling. So sweet! We also now read to Violet before her naps all together on her bed - Violet, Willa and me. Violet INSISTS on holding Willa's hand while we read.
Brett and Kelly also brought their two sweet dogs, Marley and Kingsley. Three dogs! The kids didn't seem to notice.
Willa is getting SO BIG and loves to bat at her toys on her playmat. Just this week she discovered that her hands and arms are attached to her body! Wheeeee!Sportin' her shades with her Uncle Trent on Game Night.

AND I got the excersaucer out from the basement - she LOVES it!! I think she really likes to be able to watch Violet and see what the rest of us are doing. She also loves to push the buttons and play the (now very annoying) songs.