Monday, June 29, 2009

Willa's Two Week Pictures

And there are a LOT of them! I just couldn't decide which ones were the cutest so I am posting a bunch of them!

And here is a little comparison for you. This is Willa at 2 weeks:
And Violet at 2 weeks:
Here is Jon with his ladies
Then Violet wanted to "sleep" in her own chair. She's not that good of a faker... yet.
Here is Violet and Willa with their second cousins who are oh-so-close in age. So cute!
Then we told them to kiss their sisters/brothers.

Daddy and Willa at sunset
I had a trial run of some photo props I found. They didn't turn out too great but I got a couple of shots!

And Willa had her first real bath. She didn't really like it. Violet had just gotten out of HER bath and was trying to make her feel better.
Willa had her 2 week appointment today and she's growing fast! She now weighs 9lbs 8oz and grew an inch! Other than a little reflux, she's doing really good!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What would we do without our family?

I'm not exactly sure, but this first week would NOT have been pretty without the help of my mom and step-dad! They did an awesome job of helping with Violet, cooking meals, and holding Willa (which isn't much of a JOB but still!). Thanks SOOO much, Mom & Guy! We are so thankful for you both!
My mom and her Denver Girls
Our little family
Here is Willa at 10 days old
And some picture of Violet with her little sister. Here she plays monkey and picks at Willa's head. Luckily she did not find anything worth noting.

And Willa showing off our favorite cloth diapers. They are SO TINY compared to what Violet was in last!

And yet another teeny tiny feet picture with my hand for comparison
Video Time!

Here is Violet being very sweet with Willa

And a few videos of Jon skateboarding on Father's Day. It looks like fun to me, but I'm way to wimpy to even try!

Friday, June 19, 2009

One Week Down...

Little Willa has been around (or more correctly, "out") for a week now. And she is proving to be a very easy baby and almost exactly like Violet was as a newborn so I feel like I've done this before :) She's eating great, sleeping good and overall seems very easy-going and of course, incredibly cute.

She did have a bad diaper rash which seems to finally be clearing up, but we spent a lot of time airing out on her changing table. Who can resist a few shots of a clothes-free baby?

And those tiny toes and wrinkly feet...
My mom is in town to help out with the baby and the older sister. It has been SO GREAT to have her and Grandpa Guy here! Here she is with her two Denver grandaughters:We went on a little road trip to visit Jon in Boulder and stopped at a park/trail head on the way home so I could feed Willa. Grandpa Guy, Grandma and Violet walked up the trail a bit while I fed her. It is right in front of the beautiful Flat Iron Mountains... I still can't believe this is just a half hour from our house!
Violet is still doing pretty good with Willa. She is what we call "aggressivly loving" :) She really does seem to love her little sister and puts up with her crying when she's trying to hold her. We inherited a ton of rose bushes in the back yard and they are just now starting to bloom. Here is Violet showing off one of the pretty pink roses:
We've also been trying to spend a lot of time outside where Violet would spend all of her time blowing bubbles if it was possible.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I swear she's smiling already!

Even though she's only five days old, I really think Willa is smiling! It is super cute, of course!

"MOM! You're CHOKING ME!!!"Much better.She had her first sponge bath at home and hated it.
At the hospital after she was born she LOVED having her hair washed. Not so much this time!
Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby? Nope.
And yes, for those of you who have told me that second kids NEVER get as many pictures taken as the first one, I'm trying hard to prove you wrong. Poor Violet didn't even get a walk-on part to this blog post! Poor kid!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tiny Babies and Big Storms

More pictures of little Willa. I am trying to find the hospital picture of me when I was born - I had this EXACT same hair pattern!
She's either sticking her finger up her nose or flashing the "W" sign. I'm not sure for what, maybe that we live in Wheat Ridge?
Me and a snuggly baby
Jon and his girls. Violet has been so funny, if Jon is holding Willa like this she has to do the exact same thing and cuddle up too. So sweet!
We had a HUGE storm blow through the other day - it was crazy! There was a TON of hail, high winds, and to top it off, funnel clouds right near our house. My mom and step-dad had just arrived the day before so we thought we'd welcome them with some lovely Colorado weather (!?!?). My mom and I took both kids down to the basement while the tornado sirens went off, while Jon and Guy first watched the storm come in, then tried desperately to catch the gallons of water that decided to come in through our sky light. Ah, the fun!

Here is our backyard after the storm was finally done. It looks like SNOW. In June!

Apparently we shouldn't have left Violet's wagon outside during the storm :(

And here is a video of what it looked like while it was happening:

I also have to add that Violet has still been really really cute with Willa. Every time she wakes up in the morning or from a nap the first thing she says is "Baby Sister?" although it sounds more like "Baby Seester?" it is so cute! She is always so excited to see her and wants to hold her a lot. It's very sweet!