Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Silly Girls

Willa is 4 months old! She has very much discovered her hands and GRABBING things, including my hair, our faces, food, drinks, etc. I forgot about that! She is also rolling around a lot and getting "stuck" on her back in her crib and I have to constantly go back and flip her back to her tummy. Silly!
Such a sweet little girl!

She spends a lot of her waking hours with all four fingers in her mouth like so:
And dear, sweet, silly Violet. She had a pretty bad cold this week and her poor little nose got all red from constantly wiping it. She insisted on a band-aid (or "band-bayed") for it. She soon discovered that it made BREATHING a little tricky so it didn't last long.She is also a funny eater. She love love LOVES watermelon, but heaven forbid I include any bit of light pink/white rind on her pieces. If I do, they end up in a neat little line outside her bowl.
And a cute video of Violet dancing with Willa while singing the ABC's. Excuse the pacifier!

Jon and his brothers and friends have been getting a lot of of use out of the skateboard ramp, especially now that the weather isn't so hot. Tonight we had a belated birthday "ramp jam" for Jon for his birthday last weekend. This is what it looks like when the hot dogs are served! :)

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