We put up our Christmas tree last night - Violet is SO FUN at this age - she ooohs and ahhs at all sorts of things and it's so sweet and cute! She thought the lights were especially impressive even before we got them on the tree.

Helping to put the angel on.

And Daddy's response to her refusal to smile for the camera in front of the finished tree!

Our dear, sweet, tiny little Willa Mae will be a shocking SIX MONTHS OLD later this week! It is so hard to wrap my brain around that one! But she is getting super good at sitting up and as usual, at smiling.

I don't know if you remember the last time Violet tried riding the carousel at the mall, but it was not a pretty sight. This time was oh-so-much better! She LOVED it! And now I have new incentive to get her to be good while I shop :)
This age is wonderful. They appreciate so many little things. Tim helps me remember how amazing Christmas really is.