Violet got one of her Christmas presents a little early - she FINALLY got Willa into a princess dress so she could properly play Princess with her!

She then proceeded to read Snow White to her. Cute!
Those of you who know me know how much I HATE taking pictures with a flash, but Violet ASKED to take pictures with Willa the other morning and I couldn't say no! Unfortunately the sun wasn't quite right in Willa's room (aka "The Photo Studio") and I'm so bummed because I got some super cute ones! Here is one of my favorites!

We went to Zoo Lights at the Denver Zoo with Violet's good friend Hannah and her parents. It was chilly but not too bad and the lights were really cool! Here are Violet and Hannah in front of the mountain lion display:

And by the dragon:

Here are some pictures from Willa's 6 month photos!

Violet, dressed as Cinderella, inspecting the Christmas Tree.

What do you do the weekend before Christmas? Rake leaves of course! We LOOOVE the fact that we have two huge evergreens in our backyard this time of year (during the summer it would be nice if they offered more shade!), we only have to rake this tiny bit of leaves. And since it was almost 60 degrees, Violet took full advantage by jumping into the pile!

In her "birds nest" - which kept her occupied for quite a while!

We also baked and decorated some Christmas cookies. Here is Violet patiently waiting for them to be done. Good news for everyone who knows what a terrible baker I am - they actually TURNED OUT OKAY!! They WERE NOT BURNED! It was, dare I say, a Baby Jesus Christmas Miracle.

Carefully putting on the frosting

And sprinkles

And tasting her handywork!

We also went to a really neat Christmas parade in Golden this weekend. There were TONS of horses and animals and Santa and all that good stuff. Plus the sun was out and it wasn't very cold. Here are Jon and Violet in front of the "Welcome to Golden" sign before the parade started:

Violet watching Santa, who arrived on a motorcycle.

If we don't post before then, have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
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