

Then, without warning, SUPER NINJA BABY STRIKES AGAIN! (note the eyebrow. I cannot do that. Jon and both girls already can.)

Petting Porter. Earlier, she was chewing on his ear.

Violet is REALLY into painting. She mostly enjoys ordering me to paint certain things (horses and snowmen are her favorites) but will paint by herself if she has to. She just recently started drawing actual FACES (circle with eyes, nose and mouth) which thrilled her artsy mommy QUITE a bit!

These too are just too sweet together!

We babysat for Jon's cousin Tim's two little boys (the older two are about 6 months apart, younger two are 4 months apart). And yes, Willa is now a PROFESSIONAL SITTER! I can even leave her alone for a few minutes and she rarely topples over. If she does, she has mastered the roll-from-sit-to-tummy move instead of going straight back. Yay!

Violet and Tobin did a little monkey puppet craft and thought they were pretty funny. Yes, Violet is wearing her princess dress.

Then they were mesmerized watching the Curious George movie together.

This is the only semi-good picture I got of the girls on Thanksgiving.

We also had Christmas with Violet's Oma while she was here over Thanksgiving. Here is Violet being very excited about her new Christmas PJ's. I can already tell that Christmas this year is going to be REALLY fun with her - she gets SO excited about opening presents!

Trying to do her new ballerina puzzle while also making sure Willa didn't touch it.
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