We tried out giving the girls a bath together this week - although it was a good idea in theory, I kind of forgot that Willa can't really sit up very well by herself and how slippery tubs are. So it mostly consisted of me holding up Willa and Violet splish-splashing around and pouring cupfulls of water over Willa's head (who, miraculously, didn't seem to mind). Violet did agree to hold Willa so we could snap a photo of this momentous occasion (Leah - some of my best memories are playing with
Sea Wees for HOURS in the tub!). Soon after this picture was taken, Willa spit up all over the place and we had to vacate the tub rather quickly.

Those of you who have been around our blog for a while may remember this little gem taken of Violet when she was about 4 months old:

No, I did not Photoshop her into a teacup! It's actually a planter. I brought it out again for Willa who is apparently HUGE and doesn't really fit into it as nicely as Pipsqueek Violet did!

Contemplating Tea

Willa's sweet little serious face.

We took advantage of the nice warm fall weather last week and went to the zoo with our pals. Here is Violet with her buddy Piper jumping.

This Mommy Giraffe was very interested in Violet. She was so sweet and stayed looking at us for quite a while.

This is a game I call "Where's Violet?" - she has gotten back in the habit of crawling out of bed during her nap and taking all her toys up in bed with her, forcing her to sleep in rather odd positions. Se's wearing a blue sleeper, in case you can't spot her! She also sometimes does this at night in the PITCH BLACK! I went in to check on her the other night and she was curled up laying on her Princess Coach as a pillow. It's plastic. And hard. Yeowch!

A couple of funny things she's been saying lately:
1) She can't say her "s" sounds very well, so she substitutes an "F" for fun. Thus anything that is "spicy" is "ficey". We hear "This too ficey!" a lot.
2) Yesterday she came up to me while I was feeding Willa, wrapped her arms (gently) around Willa's head and said "Willa is beautiful! Why she have crumbs on her head?" - Willa has a case of cradle cap. Sweet.
I just have a sec, but I thought I'd chime in on cradle cap. With Bridget and Bode we used Burts Bees Apricot Oil to get rid of it. During a bath just massage a liberal amount on the scalp, use a finger nail brush (or something similar-we used a boar's hair brush on Bridget who was older) while oil is still on head to brush scalp and help rub the oil in. After a couple minutes, wash hair as normal.
ReplyDeleteWe only did that twice with Bridget and her cradle cap was gone! Bode needs another "treatment." ;)
btw I miss you! We've got to catch up. Oh and we need to make plans. Christine and I (and our families) will be in Denver from around May 8-9 to May 19-20. We have to visit!!!