Showing off her sweet smile and 3 bottom teeth. She now has 3 on the top to match. We call her Snaggle Tooth.

My friend Brandi got what we call the Mini Unicorn Raver hat for Violet a few years ago. We tried it on Willa. We think it fits her personality to a T.

• If she is wondering who got her something or did something she says "Who somebody give me that?"
• She has been sick a lot lately but if she's starting to feel better she'll say "Feel me better" - for instance "That med-cine feel me better!"
• She calls Willa Willie. But she can't really say her "W's" and subsitutes an L. Thus Willie is Lily.
• If I ask Violet "Are you going to brush your teeth?" she may answer back with "I GUUN!" (aka "I'm going to ").
• Violet told me she also wants to plant cheese, palm trees and cheerios in her garden.
• She has trouble with the "s" sound if it is next to a "p" - so Special Treat turns into Feshal Treat. She will often ask "Can I have a feshal treat from my feshal treat box?" Because of this same problem she calls Smarties Farties.
• Along with that, she is also quite insistent on needing her "space" lately from Willa. She will shout out "No Willa! I need my FACE!"
• When we watch a video and there is a scary part, she wants me to "Past Forward" it instead of Fast-Forward. Make sense to me!
And not to be outdone, Willa, we swear, is starting to talk. She has said Hi a few times and definitely says Dada when Jon is around (the stinker!!) She also says
Ging! Ging! Ging!
And screams and cries hysterically if Violet takes a toy away from her. Playing her role as a little sister just perfectly! :)
I absolutely love the pic of Willa in her dipe by the bath!!