Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Beautiful Girls

Ah, my girlies. They make me laugh every day and just seem to get more and more fun. Violet says the funniest things (see the bottom for a whole list), like this morning, before even saying "Good morning" she popped out of bed and declared "We're going to grow blueberries in our garden!" Great!
With her best buddy Porter on his new dog bed. He deserves it - he puts up with a LOT. Today when I was leaving Violet was lining up all her princesses on his back.
Freshly washedThis one too

Showing off her sweet smile and 3 bottom teeth. She now has 3 on the top to match. We call her Snaggle Tooth.Her patented Smushy Face Smile
Admiring her reflection in her high chair tray

My friend Brandi got what we call the Mini Unicorn Raver hat for Violet a few years ago. We tried it on Willa. We think it fits her personality to a T.
I know this picture is blurry, but this is what Willa (better known as "Wilsey Pants") and I get to do every time she wakes up from a nap. She is such a great snuggler - I just love it!
And now for another installment of "Funny Things Violet Says"

• If she is wondering who got her something or did something she says "Who somebody give me that?"

• She has been sick a lot lately but if she's starting to feel better she'll say "Feel me better" - for instance "That med-cine feel me better!"

• She calls Willa Willie. But she can't really say her "W's" and subsitutes an L. Thus Willie is Lily.

• If I ask Violet "Are you going to brush your teeth?" she may answer back with "I GUUN!" (aka "I'm going to ").

• Violet told me she also wants to plant cheese, palm trees and cheerios in her garden.

• She has trouble with the "s" sound if it is next to a "p" - so Special Treat turns into Feshal Treat. She will often ask "Can I have a feshal treat from my feshal treat box?" Because of this same problem she calls Smarties Farties.

• Along with that, she is also quite insistent on needing her "space" lately from Willa. She will shout out "No Willa! I need my FACE!"

• When we watch a video and there is a scary part, she wants me to "Past Forward" it instead of Fast-Forward. Make sense to me!

And not to be outdone, Willa, we swear, is starting to talk. She has said Hi a few times and definitely says Dada when Jon is around (the stinker!!) She also says

Ging! Ging! Ging!

And screams and cries hysterically if Violet takes a toy away from her. Playing her role as a little sister just perfectly! :)

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the pic of Willa in her dipe by the bath!!
