We went to a special "Dora the Explorer" storytime at a local library. My sister and I sat with approximately 19,300 other moms and their kids anxiously awaiting the arrival of DORA! I think we all had thought it would be an actual character with the HUGE plastic head. Apparently the only criteria for being Dora is having black hair cut in a Dora-like way. The lady who walked in was approximately 42 years old, wearing a cropped orange shirt, jean shorts and a purple backpack. It was actually pretty hilarious! Despite that, the girls did have fun making some crafts together (Violet's FAVORITE THING!). Here they made telescopes out of paper towel rolls.

Here they are making various kinds of sand-cookies in the sand box.

There is something so very strange about watching your kids play with all the toys YOU spent hours and hours playing with as a kid. Here is Violet dressing the Barbie & The Rockers Ken doll (remember the Rockers??), while Willa plays with a doll bed that apparently started WWIII - my sister got it for Christmas one year when I was little, and when I climbed in to lay down she threw the world's hugest fit!

I took this before we left for our trip - Violet is really into walking Porter, and bless his canine heart, he goes right along with it. Despite barking neighborhood dogs and a very indecisive Violet (she wants to RUN one second and the next is squatting down examining a bug for a VERY long time). He's such a good boy!

why o why did you NOT take Dora's picture???!!!