It was super duper warm (60) and spring-like yesterday. HURRAY! I am SO excited to be outside again! Here is Violet playing in her sand & water table. THAT was about the best purchase I've ever made (thanks Craigslist!). She plays with it ALL THE TIME! I think she was out there for more than an hour quietly making mud cakes, pea soup and pea milk. :)

Willa in the sunshine! I cannot WAIT for the ground to dry up a little so we can really take some fun pictures!

Violet & Willa have been playing really well together - especially now that Willa can crawl! Violet now has another person to order around and you can often hear "Come here Vilva! Come here!" while Violet tries to lure her into her room to play.

They also play pretty good with some of Violets toys, especially this doll house Violet got for Christmas.

Here is how Jon does dishes :)

We had a visitor to our back yard this week - our neighborhood fox! We've seen him before on the street but he showed up in our own yard while we were eating lunch. It was pretty exciting! However now Violet spends a lot of time looking out the windows wondering "Fooooox? 'Are you?" and yesterday while we were playing outside she asked if foxes eat people. Great. Unfortunately she witnessed the "circle of life" when we were watching Animal Planet the other night (a wolf took down a baby caribou before I could change it!) and now we have to talk a lot about what animals eat, including, apparently, people.

Annnnnd a reminder not to let Willa play with Violet's markers. She found one without the cap and apparently was trying to test out the "non-toxic" and "washable" claims. Luckily it did wipe off her face and teeth pretty easily.
That picture is so cute. Glad to hear it didn't take too much work to get Willa clean. Isn't it wonderful when they start playing together.