Denver has a HUGE St. Patrick's Day Parade and it was so fun! We headed downtown on Saturday with the girls... Can you just SEE the excitement on Willa and Violet's faces? No? Oh.

Willa and Uncle Trent

Violet's favorite place to perch. It was good she was up there because it got to be about 5 people deep on the sidewalks - she could actually see!

Our view of Union Station

And the PARADE! It was huge and long. It included many interesting things like lots and LOTS of Irish Dancers, Bag Pipers and... Storm Troopers with Kilts

They also drove some long horns down the street. They ended up stopping right in front of us for a few minutes causing people and kids to SCRAMBLE to get back up on the sidewalk!

We got some great advice to park on the other side of the highway and walk to the parade route. It was PERFECT! We got to walk across the highway:

And the pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks:

Here is Willa in the sunshine (it has been nice and warm here most days! Right now it's cloudy and snowy!).

And here she is chewing on a felt pea pod. Fitting, since she is wearing one on her shirt too!

She has discovered how to move things from one place to the other - she puts them in her mouth. It is so cute!

We also went to the zoo and Violet got her picture taken with the gorilla statue.

Jon and Violet snuggled up on the couch. So sweet until you realize Violet has a baby bottle stuck up her nose. Aw.

Here is a video showing Willa's newest trick - pulling up! On EVERYTHING! And Violet playing peek-a-boo with her. I love how Violet says "Here I! Here me!" I can't correct it, it's too cute! I'm sure she'll figure it out eventually!
And more from the "What Violet Says" files...
• On the ride home from daycare (both girls go for a few hours once a week), we were discussing brothers and sisters. Violet said "I don't want a brother OR a sister. I just want Willa." Yes, I'm writing that down to show to her in about 10 years ;)
• She wants to do everything "Alllllll by myself!" (which is usually quickly followed by "Come WIF me!"). If she wants all of us to do whatever it is by ourselves, she says "All by your self-is"
• Whenever she is being a good girl, she proudly states "I being a GOOOOOD fairy!"
• She has now added to her menagerie of imaginary animals. She now has 2 cats, 1 horse, 1 puppy, 1 turtle and 1 frog. Most of them are named "Hammy"