We braved the "balmy" weather this week and took a trip to the zoo. It was in the 40's and it wasn't that bad (the sun always helps!). Willa is getting so big - now I can put her in the stroller sitting up and not in her carseat anymore. She loves to look around and see what's going on. I got this adorable picture of her while we were eating lunch (Willa had some Puffs).

Violet and her two best buddies Jordyn and Piper rode the baby hippo.

And Willa fell FAST asleep holding tightly to her toy on the way home.

Willa in the back yard. I can't WAIT for the weather to really warm up - I think this summer is going to be a blast with the girls in the big back yard! Violet has already asked if we can get her pool out (on a day it was FREEZING!). Judging by how much fun the girls have taking a bath together, I think we'll be spending a LOT of time in the kiddie pool in the warm weather!

Violet has a new best friend. As she says, he's her "Best Porter Friend". Aw. He really is worth his weight in gold... he puts up with a LOT and actually seems to enjoy the attention. It helps that I taught Violet how to scratch his tummy. Today she made him a bed in the living room complete with blankets (Willa's burp cloths) and her pillow.

Violet wanted Willa to join her in her bed today (I am not sure what her obsession is with making a bed for herself on the living room floor... maybe because she's not napping anymore?). We got this cute picture...

And this adorable video:
And last, I have been keeping a little book of all the funny and cute things that Violet says. I'm going to try to post them here when I remember because some of them are just too cute. Here are the most recent ones:
• "Me RIGHT be back, guys!" (instead of "be right back")
• She calls Jon "Jon" instead of daddy. If she does call him "dad" she pronounces it "dat"
• restaurant = wrest-wraughnt
• Cowboys say "Knee-Haw!"
• She has an imaginary pink kitty named Purple-Purple and an imaginary pink horse named Neigh-Neigh. They both like to eat pink garlic bread.
• spoon = foon
• ice cream = aash-ream
• "Tank you guys!" or "I wuv you guys!"
• Almost all sentences start with "because".
me: "Hey Violet, do you want some breakfast?"
Violet: "Because I WANT to eat breakfast!"
me: "Let's get your shoes on and go"
Violet: "Because I don't WANT to put my shoes on!"
• When Jon and I are having a conversation, she often interrupts with "Hey guys! Let's talk 'bout PRINCESSES!!!!"
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