Violet is 3! Unfortunately both girls were sick last weekend on Violet's actual birtday so we had to reschedule her birthday party for this weekend. Behold, the Princess Party!

Her Princess-like hairdo.

Checking out her goodies


"No Willa! You no play my toys!!"

The stars must have aligned today... I baked these "rainbow" cupcakes. Way easier than they look (luckily!)

And last, the weather was great (about 50 degrees) so we Released the Beasts and let them go run on the skate ramp. They had SOOOO much fun! It cracks me up!
Ah Willa. It's hard NOT to take pictures of her all day. She is so goofy and sweet and wonderful. I took some pictures of her in her "hip" birdie shirt I made for her.

She has been making this pouty face a lot lately. That and she sucks in her lower lip and she look so funny! I have yet to catch a good one of those on camera.


Lookin' like her daddy!!

I had a friend make me some new diapers - Willa has grown out of all her small diapers and is on to the mediums already (I think Violet was in smalls until she was almost 1 - she was such a peanut!). I LOVE being able to pick out my own fabric and viola! A few weeks later they are wonderful cloth diapers.

Violet got a great package of gifts from her Oma back in Michigan. One of them was a sleeping bag of her very own AND a little doll-sized sleeping bag too! She LOVED them and immediately set up everything on the floor to take a nap.

Then she asked if Willa could come in with her so they both snuggled up together.

I just had to take a picture of this - talk about the multi-tasking, baby-wearing daddy! He watched the girls today while I got the cupcakes frosted and the house ready for the big party. He's such a good dad!
Looks like Violet had a great birthday. She is a beautiful little princess.