Willa doesn't seem to like to eat anything but bananas and sweet potatoes. Here is her reaction to trying applesauce:
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas 2009
Here are some pictures of our Colorado Christmas Adventure!

Violet & Willa in their Christmas shirts

Willa opening her presents. Which really just meant eating the wrapping paper. Yum!
She had such a looong day that she fell fast asleep on her Daddy's chest. Aw.
And Violet dancing with her ribbon wand. I've heard of this phenomenon before but didn't witness it until this year: Violet was most excited about the stuff I found for her at the Dollar Tree and not with the more expensive Tinkerbell and Princess playsets we got for her "big" gifts. Funny! Sorta.

We hope you all had a fabulous holiday!

Willa opening her presents. Which really just meant eating the wrapping paper. Yum!

She had such a looong day that she fell fast asleep on her Daddy's chest. Aw.

We hope you all had a fabulous holiday!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!

Above, quite possibly the cutest Santa picture ever. :) Below, quite possibly the cutest little people faces drawn by Miss Violet.

Monday, December 21, 2009
On the 5th Day of Christmas....
Violet got one of her Christmas presents a little early - she FINALLY got Willa into a princess dress so she could properly play Princess with her!
She then proceeded to read Snow White to her. Cute!
Those of you who know me know how much I HATE taking pictures with a flash, but Violet ASKED to take pictures with Willa the other morning and I couldn't say no! Unfortunately the sun wasn't quite right in Willa's room (aka "The Photo Studio") and I'm so bummed because I got some super cute ones! Here is one of my favorites!
We went to Zoo Lights at the Denver Zoo with Violet's good friend Hannah and her parents. It was chilly but not too bad and the lights were really cool! Here are Violet and Hannah in front of the mountain lion display:
And by the dragon:
Here are some pictures from Willa's 6 month photos!

Violet, dressed as Cinderella, inspecting the Christmas Tree.
What do you do the weekend before Christmas? Rake leaves of course! We LOOOVE the fact that we have two huge evergreens in our backyard this time of year (during the summer it would be nice if they offered more shade!), we only have to rake this tiny bit of leaves. And since it was almost 60 degrees, Violet took full advantage by jumping into the pile!
In her "birds nest" - which kept her occupied for quite a while!

We also baked and decorated some Christmas cookies. Here is Violet patiently waiting for them to be done. Good news for everyone who knows what a terrible baker I am - they actually TURNED OUT OKAY!! They WERE NOT BURNED! It was, dare I say, a Baby Jesus Christmas Miracle.
Carefully putting on the frosting
And sprinkles
And tasting her handywork!

We also went to a really neat Christmas parade in Golden this weekend. There were TONS of horses and animals and Santa and all that good stuff. Plus the sun was out and it wasn't very cold. Here are Jon and Violet in front of the "Welcome to Golden" sign before the parade started:
Violet watching Santa, who arrived on a motorcycle.

If we don't post before then, have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Those of you who know me know how much I HATE taking pictures with a flash, but Violet ASKED to take pictures with Willa the other morning and I couldn't say no! Unfortunately the sun wasn't quite right in Willa's room (aka "The Photo Studio") and I'm so bummed because I got some super cute ones! Here is one of my favorites!

We also baked and decorated some Christmas cookies. Here is Violet patiently waiting for them to be done. Good news for everyone who knows what a terrible baker I am - they actually TURNED OUT OKAY!! They WERE NOT BURNED! It was, dare I say, a Baby Jesus Christmas Miracle.

We also went to a really neat Christmas parade in Golden this weekend. There were TONS of horses and animals and Santa and all that good stuff. Plus the sun was out and it wasn't very cold. Here are Jon and Violet in front of the "Welcome to Golden" sign before the parade started:

If we don't post before then, have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Mini Christmas
My mom and sister came to visit us for a Mini Christmas! This is the first year in a looooong time that we have not all been together in Florida for Christmas and I'm SO glad they could come for a long weekend! Here are all us girls together... and yes, I am super duper thankful for my genes - doesn't my mom look like she is our sister?
Grandma and her Denver granddaughters. I LOVE this picture!
Grandma snuggling with a sleeping Willa. We get Willa up around 10pm to feed her one last bottle before the night (it helps her sleep through the night) and she is usually OUT after eating so we passed her around and everyone got a good sleeping-baby-snuggle in. I love it!

And then. My mom and sister and I had wrapped all the presents for eachother and the girls and lovingly placed them under the tree. Dear, sweet Violet figured out how to open her bedroom door on the EXACT same day that we were going to have our little family Christmas party. Jon was next door picking up his tools for just a SECOND (he was working on a project for our neighbors) and when he got back, the little stinker had opened up EVERY PRESENT under the tree!!! We were pretty disappointed that we didn't get to see her initial reaction to all the great toys she got (and what she thought of some of the more boring adult stuff!) - but we decided to throw everything in gift bags that I had laying around and call it good. Thus our Christmas tree looked like this:
Wedding bags, new baby bags, birthday bags... but NO Christmas bags! And some gifts we just didn't wrap up. Luckily Violet was pretty excited about opening the BOXES for her gifts and playing with them, so it wasn't all lost. Needless to say, there are NO gifts under the tree now until Christmas morning! And I'm getting a child-proof lock for her door! :)
Here is Willa with her loot:
Violet and Leah enjoying a traditional dish of peppermint stick ice cream with chocolate sauce. Violet doesn't get ice cream very often and she thought it was GREAT!

In fact, Violet decided that she better lick up all the remnants of ice cream that was humanly possible. So, by using her super-long-lizard-like-tongue, she set the bowl on the floor (of course) and licked it out. Ironically, Porter decided that was the perfect time to come over and lick off the table for us! Too funny!
Speaking of food, Willa got to try some of HER first food last weekend too! Here she is trying out some bananas.
Not so sure about it...
Okay, I like it!
And Violet trying on her Grandma's furry hood. Silly goose!
If you remember back a few months, Violet used a "bandbaid" to cover her nose when it got sore after a cold. This time she bit her lip and insisted on a bandbaid for THAT. Needless to say, it didn't last long either.

And then. My mom and sister and I had wrapped all the presents for eachother and the girls and lovingly placed them under the tree. Dear, sweet Violet figured out how to open her bedroom door on the EXACT same day that we were going to have our little family Christmas party. Jon was next door picking up his tools for just a SECOND (he was working on a project for our neighbors) and when he got back, the little stinker had opened up EVERY PRESENT under the tree!!! We were pretty disappointed that we didn't get to see her initial reaction to all the great toys she got (and what she thought of some of the more boring adult stuff!) - but we decided to throw everything in gift bags that I had laying around and call it good. Thus our Christmas tree looked like this:

Here is Willa with her loot:

In fact, Violet decided that she better lick up all the remnants of ice cream that was humanly possible. So, by using her super-long-lizard-like-tongue, she set the bowl on the floor (of course) and licked it out. Ironically, Porter decided that was the perfect time to come over and lick off the table for us! Too funny!

Monday, December 7, 2009
It's Christmastime in the Suburbs
We put up our Christmas tree last night - Violet is SO FUN at this age - she ooohs and ahhs at all sorts of things and it's so sweet and cute! She thought the lights were especially impressive even before we got them on the tree.
Helping to put the angel on.
And Daddy's response to her refusal to smile for the camera in front of the finished tree!
Our dear, sweet, tiny little Willa Mae will be a shocking SIX MONTHS OLD later this week! It is so hard to wrap my brain around that one! But she is getting super good at sitting up and as usual, at smiling.

I don't know if you remember the last time Violet tried riding the carousel at the mall, but it was not a pretty sight. This time was oh-so-much better! She LOVED it! And now I have new incentive to get her to be good while I shop :)

And Daddy's response to her refusal to smile for the camera in front of the finished tree!

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