Happy Halloween from the girls! (Violet lost her Minnie Mouse ears... until we got BACK from Trick-or-Treating and she found them!)

Violet and her two best buddies, Jordyn and Piper

We went Trick-or-Treating down a street near us that has lots of cute shops that all give out candy. It's easy, fun, and in the morning which works well for naps/dinner. They had so much fun!

I love Violet's smile!

Willa zonked out in the Ergo carrier.

Later woke up and was a happy little flower!

Whoops. Violet asked me what this "eyeball" was and I told her it was candy. I forgot that I also needed to tell her to UNWRAP it before she tried to eat it!

And more snow pics! We ended up with almost 21" of snow over 2 days. It was crazy but so fun! I love snow if 1) I know it isn't sticking around for long, and 2) it's still pretty warm outside. Violet got all ready to go outside, complete with pink goggles.

Which is good because the snow was so deep that she walked out and promptly face- planted in the snow!

Buried deep!

I sent Jon and Violet outside to play... of COURSE Jon had to try to send Violet down the ramp on a sled! It was so deep that she didn't go fast or far, and seemed to love it!

A few photos from a little photo session I took the other day:

Willa can finally fit into some of my fitted diapers that I had for Violet, AND this awesome one that I had made just for Willa by a friend of mine. Love it!

AND Willa can sit! Just for a second, but it has been done! She's so funny - she's usually so happy so I tried to get her to smile while she was sitting but she got so excited that she kept flailing backwards and falling over! So just serious sitting pictures for now!

Hope you also like the new look to the blog! I've been meaning to change it forever now and finally got around to it!