Whoa! Long time, no post, but we've been busy! My sister and her family were in town for a super fun week and we had a blast! Violet LOVES her cousins and it was so much fun to have them meet Willa too. We miss them already!
Here they are! From left to right: Willa, Anna, Claire, Ethan (or Eee-tan as Violet says) and Violet.

My sister Leah and her favorite nieces!

Ethan holding Willa

And Claire holding Willa. No pictures of Anna holding Willa - she and Violet were always off playing together!

Aunt Leah snuggled up with Willa. Willa LOVES to sleep like this - it's the best! Well, maybe not at 3am, but still...

We all went for a easy hike in Golden. It was hot but fun and the view was amazing! It was a little over a mile and Violet walked almost the entire way!

CraCrazy kids!

I tried my hand at babywearing - here is Willa all wrapped up in her Moby Wrap. I LOVED it and so did she! I now have her wrapped up at least once a day. It's an awesome way to be hands-free, especially while shopping (I wrap her and put Violet in the cart as usual). Plus she sleeps the entire time since she's so cozy!

Violet insisted on holding her cousins hands while we were headed out. So cute!

We also went to a birthday party for Anna and a few of her family members on Joel's side of the family. Here are Violet and I .

And now for what might be the funniest thing that Violet has done yet - CAUGHT ON VIDEO!! So we're all hanging out at the party when we see this... you may first think that Violet has to go potty...
Girl, I am dying with that pink pony. Hilariosity! Can't wait to see you all! Willa looks fantastic!