Willa is getting SO strong - she can really push herself up and look around when she's on her tummy. It's so funny how different they look when they aren't laying flat! And yes, her little cheeks are extremely kissable. I just love it!
Every morning Violet wants to hold Willa for a little bit. I finally caught them both smiling:

Me: "What are you doing, Violet?"
Violet: "Time out. Poked Baby Willa."
Last weekend we went to the Dragon Boat Festival where they race semi-authentic boats on one of the local lakes (yes, there IS water in Colorado. Just not a whole lot of it!). Here are Jon & Jim with Hannah & Violet.

I love that Violet put herself in timeout AND that she told you why. Bridget just sort of flings herself on the ground. They are both getting so big and cuter by the minute :)