Violet has been drawing up a storm lately! Here is her first alligator:

And below are two girls (check out their cute flipped-out hair and HANDS!) and above them in a baby camel in a mommy camels tummy:

She also asked to help me sew the other day (YAY!). She helped me take the pins out of my bibs after the fleece back was sewn on. She did such a good job and even folded each one very neatly after she was done!

I am definitely finding that these two play GREAT together for the most part. BUT we're running into the "scary silences" stage. If they are too quiet, you may very well find them in Willa's room with an entire box of oyster crackers smushed into the floor :) At least they're cute! And it was pretty funny because while Violet helped pick them up, Willa just kept grabbing handfuls and throwing them in the air shouting "YAY!"

She is a Silly Willa. I laugh out loud at her antics about 10x a day.

She also LOVES to eat! She'll eat pretty much anything, but her favorites are black olives, sour cream and black beans. What do you call it if you like salty stuff instead of sweet? A "salt tooth"? Whatever it is, her and I have it! We keep joking that when we potty train her we're going to use a spoonful of sour cream and a black olive as her treat! We literally have to hide the sour cream container if we have it out for dinner or that's ALL she wants to eat.
This picture was taken after her dinner of black beans the other night. She is NOT a neat eater, which is fine and rather funny. Her and Violet both polished off a whole can of beans together.

Here is Violet trying on my glasses. Doesn't she look OLD?

Last weekend I was SUPER excited to visit my brother and sister-in-law in Montana (kid free!) for the weekend. We had so much fun and it was really great to be able to celebrate their new baby girl (due at the end of April) with them! We also got to see my brothers band play AND soak in the hot springs where he works (my mom and sister and I were pretty proud of ourselves - it was FREEZING with super high winds, but we put on our suits and jumped in the pool with everyone else. My sisters suit froze while she was wearing it and my mom's hair froze!)

In "house news" we FINALLY got a room finished in the basement so I was able to move all of my
Hip Violet sewing stuff down there! I now have an actual sewing room! Check out my blog post
here for pictures.
The best part about it is that we were able to move a lot of toys around and now we have a playroom in the dining room. Yippie! Pictures of that to come!
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