It's been ten years ago today that you've been gone. I think about you every day and I MISS you every day.
I make sure to talk to Violet and Willa all about their Grandpa Bruce as much as I can. They know that you loved Tootsie Pops, being silly, and that you're up in heaven now.
I'm trying to teach them in a way that would make you proud: They both eat pancakes, waffles and french toast the proper way: with butter and sugar. I told Violet to "shape up" the other day. And I have been known to do the "this-floor-is-sticky" Foot-Tap on the kitchen floor while glaring at them in the exact same way you used to. We sing loudly and often. Violet made up her own song tonight which was so sweet it made my heart hurt. And every single time these things happen I would give a mizillion dollars to call you up and tell you about what your granddaughters are up to. You would have loved them.
I love you and I miss you SOOOOOOO much (as Violet says!)
Here are a few pics of my dad. Here he is in at his favorite place - working at our cottage in Northern Michigan.

My mom and dad and I not too long before he got sick.

Oh man. Crying my eyes out. HUGS my friend.