I haven't done this in a while, but I do keep a little notebook in the kitchen and try to write down funny things Violet (and now Willa) say. Here are some good ones!
• oatmeal = eeoh-meew
• "Can I have some little bit of _____?"
• After she eats something healthy for her or drinks a lot of water she'll say proudly "I'm gonna be a really REALLY big girl soon!"
• "Leave. Me. 'LONE!" (great)
• Whenever she makes pretend food for us, it is always "Peach-Apple Pie"
• Our favorite: "Have you ever seen that tee-four?" (before).
• "What's that nose?" (noise)
She is talking up a STORM! We can only understand about 2% of what she says, so it's pretty hysterical. She does all the proper facial expressions and everything. She's so silly!
• She can say Mama, Mommy & Daddy. The last few days she has said "Ahhhhh-meeee!" for mommy and "Ahhhh-deeee!" for Daddy. It is pretty cute.
• She can also say Hi, Uh-oh, Shoes, Doggie and Thank-you (daaa-dooo!)
• Tonight she started saying No. But here is how the conversation goes:
Me: Willa, do you want more banana?
Willa: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-OW!
• Shaking her head yes or no is also new and actually really helpful. Sometimes we actually know what she wants!
• Even though this isn't talking-related, she has been really wanting to use a spoon and fork by herself. She fed herself some yogurt the other morning, and some chili tonight. Big girl!
• AND the best part is that when I say "Hey Willa! Let's go change your diaper (or take a nap or go to bed)!" she toddles her little self to her room. If we're changing a diaper, she walks up to her changing table with her arms up for me to pick her up. If she's taking a nap or going to bed, she climbs up onto the futon in her room and waits to read her books. She is WAY too easy to put to bed. I just wish she would stay there longer! She's up at 5:30 or 6:00am every. stinking. morning.
Willa is getting so big. I'm sure she'll be talking about a storm in no time.