Saturday, September 18, 2010

Funny Things our Kids Say

I haven't done this in a while, but I do keep a little notebook in the kitchen and try to write down funny things Violet (and now Willa) say. Here are some good ones!

• oatmeal = eeoh-meew
• "Can I have some little bit of _____?"
• After she eats something healthy for her or drinks a lot of water she'll say proudly "I'm gonna be a really REALLY big girl soon!"
• "Leave. Me. 'LONE!" (great)
• Whenever she makes pretend food for us, it is always "Peach-Apple Pie"
• Our favorite: "Have you ever seen that tee-four?" (before).
• "What's that nose?" (noise)

She is talking up a STORM! We can only understand about 2% of what she says, so it's pretty hysterical. She does all the proper facial expressions and everything. She's so silly!
• She can say Mama, Mommy & Daddy. The last few days she has said "Ahhhhh-meeee!" for mommy and "Ahhhh-deeee!" for Daddy. It is pretty cute.
• She can also say Hi, Uh-oh, Shoes, Doggie and Thank-you (daaa-dooo!)
• Tonight she started saying No. But here is how the conversation goes:
Me: Willa, do you want more banana?
Willa: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-OW!
• Shaking her head yes or no is also new and actually really helpful. Sometimes we actually know what she wants!
• Even though this isn't talking-related, she has been really wanting to use a spoon and fork by herself. She fed herself some yogurt the other morning, and some chili tonight. Big girl!
• AND the best part is that when I say "Hey Willa! Let's go change your diaper (or take a nap or go to bed)!" she toddles her little self to her room. If we're changing a diaper, she walks up to her changing table with her arms up for me to pick her up. If she's taking a nap or going to bed, she climbs up onto the futon in her room and waits to read her books. She is WAY too easy to put to bed. I just wish she would stay there longer! She's up at 5:30 or 6:00am every. stinking. morning.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Michigan Part II and MUCH more!

Eeks! I can't believe I haven't updated this blog in so long!

Here are some pictures from the second half of our trip back to Michigan. The girl cousins:
Being silly!
Willa with my friend Kara's twins Brynn and Nate. They are all wearing their Hip Violet bibs. Awww!We also visited my friend Sue and her girls Megan and Madison at a horse show. Violet got to help lead Black Jack back to the trailer.
One of the big reasons we were in Michigan was the annual Pig Roast! Violet got to swim in the lake on a nice hot and humid pig roast day.
Back home again!
After all the horses we got to see back in Michigan, Violet decided she was ready to give riding a try (FINALLY!). She did SO good!
Willa even got the chance to sit up on his back. She LOVED it! And screamed and cried when we took her down.
Willa is our little adventurous daredevil. She doesn't know she's only 1 and shouldn't be doing all these crazy things! She can climb up the ladder of our playset alllll by herself. Usually we are there to help her but sometimes if we aren't watching she will zip up there all by herself. I finally had to barricade it so she couldn't go up - mostly because our slide is FAST and HIGH and I don't want her going down by herself!
Sweet Violet
Who took a leap off the swing on our swingset, landed on her shoulder, and broke her collarbone.
Of course the orangey-red sling with lime green turtles didn't last long...
We took a family trip to the zoo on Labor Day. It was a little chilly day so all the animals were out and VERY active. It was so cool! Here is Violet feeding the lorakeets.

Later we watched the polar bear jump and play. He walked RIGHT by Violet, then stood up on his hind le
... and leapt into his pool!