We celebrated the 4th by driving up to a little mountain town that *gasp* actually has a 4th of July parade. Why doesn't Denver want to have a parade anyway? I don't get it! But I do have to say this is a great little parade. We got there just as it was starting and still found a spot on the curb down the parade route.

The girls had a GREAT time! Violet got tons and tons of candy. Here is Willa demonstrating how she eats it (with the wrappers on).

Willa showing off our stash of candy...

Daddy liked it too. Mostly because of the cool old cars and trucks that were in the parade!

Violet thought this guy was Santa Claus.

And she fell fast asleep in the car on the way home with a sucker stick in her mouth. Aww.

Earlier that morning Daddy and Violet snuggled on the couch.

So sweet!

Here are our two little princesses. Violet has really been wanting to dress up with Willa lately, and we have a tiny sized Tinkerbell dress. Violet is Barbie, Willa is Tinkerbell. Too cute!!

Here is a little video of Willa (in her Tinkerbell dress) petting and kissing Porter. Such a good dog!
Love the dress up picture. How cute.