*** You thought I forgot about this blog, didn't you? Nope, just BUSY! But to make up for it there are actually THREE new posts below. Knock yourselves out!***
We had some of our favorite house guests this week - my brother Brett and his girlfriend Kelly! We LOVE having them here! Violet especially does - every time she asks "Do you want to play?" they say "YES!" :)

Willa LOVES Brett. Must be the beard!

We took an easy hike at Red Rocks - it is SO beautiful and I can't believe it's so close to our house! It was the first of many trips there, I'm sure!

Violet surveying the cacti

Nice smile, little lady!

Brett, Kelly, the dogs and Violet under an amazing overhang

Brett manned the backpack with Willa on the way out. She really seemed to like it!

I had the honor on the way back.

Although the above pictures make it look like Violet really did the hike, there was actually very little walking on her part. Luckily Uncle Brett carried her, baby style, part of the way back.

Ah yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Note: never fall asleep while cuddling your dog on the floor with a 3 year old playing with her princesses.

Speaking of cuddling your dog... isn't this about the sweetest thing?

Some of Willa's 10 month pictures

I had to take a picture of this - she LOVES rice! And gets it everywhere, including up her nose.
10 months! Wow...they grow so fast.