Because we went to a parade this weekend that rivaled most holiday parades! Our own little town had a festival this weekend complete with a huge, long, candy-throwin' parade, a car show, and festival. We went to the parade with our friends Sarah and Kevin and their daughter Piper.

Violet, Piper and Jon waiting for even MORE candy to be thrown.

The girls pointing at the slightly creeply clowns riding bikes.

Violet demonstrating how to properly lick a lollipop.

Apparently we've been pointing the camera at Violet and saying "Smile!" a little too much. She has come up with THIS beauty of a smile every time a camera is pointed in her general direction.

Luckily she does still smile like a normal person sometimes. It started to rain during the parade and the girls took refuge under the umbrella in Piper's wagon.

Me n' Violet

Willa getting her tiny ears plugged while the firetrucks went by

And how she spent the better part of the parade...

She did wake up enough to hang out with Sarah

Violet hasn't gotten much "face time" on this blog lately, but today I got her to take some pictures in the yard and I think they turned out pretty cute! We avoided the really cheesy smile for the most part!

Trying to make a monkey face.

Our little Picasso (or O'Keefe)

Her works of art

She has also been busy playing vet to Porter.

And being a good big sister. Today I was busy getting our pantry straightened out (Jon put in some cubby's for me - it is SO NICE!) when Violet came in the kitchen and got a rag. I thought maybe she spilled something so I followed her into the living room (she couldn't see me) where she sweetly covered up Willa with the towel. Then she went into Willa's room and got all of her shoes and laid them on her. Awwww.

And one good picture of Willa. She had her 2 month appointment and is doing GREAT! She's 11 lbs 11 oz, 23 inches long, and is SUPER STRONG! The doctor couldn't believe how strong she was and how much neck/arm/head control she has already. Go Willa Go!
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