Willa Mae arrived at 2:29am on June 11, 2009
She has a little bit of blonde hair and gets cuter by the minute!
She has a little bit of blonde hair and gets cuter by the minute!
My labor and delivery were pretty good! I went in for my usual appointment on the evening of June 10th and my blood pressure was high. Along with being 4 day overdue, they decided that it would be best to induce me. I was a little worried because I had planned on having a natural childbirth and I know pitocin is not a NCBers friend! Luckily they were able to break my water when we got to the hospital, and I went into labor naturally. We got to the hospital at 10pm and by 2:30 she was born. Not bad! I am pretty proud of myself for having a (planned, this time) drug-free birth. It was pretty incredible - and we were both incredibly shocked as I was SURE this was a boy the entire time!

Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl. Violet looks so happy to be a big sister.