I can't believe how fast this summer has flown by! Here is Willa trying out some watermelon:

I don't know if it's because they have both had a camera in their faces from day 1, but they are so good about having their picture taken! Okay, I admit I sometimes have to bribe Violet with a pick from her "Special Treat Box", but if that's what it takes to get these sweet pictures then I'm all for it!

(this next one was not done with bribery. They did this all on their own. Aw.)

Violet has been really interested in skateboarding lately (uh-oh!). Jon got her her own board and she was very VERY excited to paint and decorate it.

Luckily she is also still into dressing up as a princess.

Oh, and Willa's hair finally fits in PIGTAILS!!!!

Good night :)