We did run into a very odd thing - there were looooong strands of white plastic stuff all over the highway for miles and miles. For some reason we were the ONLY car that got it caught all over. We were trailing these things for awhile. We finally stopped at a rest area to take them off and they were sooo long that they wrapped around a tree on the other side of the parking lot! :)

Finally Violet gets to play with "mine cousins" - they have more than lived up to her expectations. There have been many Princess Dance Parties, crafts, swimming, and playing and playing and playing.

We lucked out and ended up in town during the old 4H fair. I spent MANY MANY years down here showing my horse and it was so fun to take my own girls! I saw a few old 4H friends and they got to pet tons of animals. Here they are checking out the horses:

I also got to take my annual trip up to see my horse Max. It was SO good to see him as usual and I feel like I got my "Max Tank" filled back up again for another year!